Thursday 16 February 2017





Piano Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for piano lessons for kids online?
If yes then you are at the right place. It is not impossible for children to learn a musical instrument. As a matter a fact, teaching children to play the piano can be a whole lot of fun. But parents must be prepared to spend some quality time with them while they practice at home.
Allowing your child to take piano, guitar, saxophone, organ, drum or any form of music lesson can give you an idea as to how talented your child is. This can help you make future decisions as how you can manage your child’s time in relations to extra curricular activities. So, at what age should my child start taking piano lessons?
This is a popular question that is been asked by many parents. However, a number of piano teachers think that children at age five are perfect to begin with. But there are testimonies about four year old children playing simple songs on the piano.
Once a child has the ability to play the keys on the piano in succession with his or her fingers and has an attention span of 20 minutes then I think that child is able to participate in some basic piano lessons.
What are some the benefits for children who are involved in a piano lessons for kids program?
Children are always drawn to musical activities and they are naturally self-motivated so they are enthused to participate. But apart from learning to play songs on the piano there are some other benefits that children will gain.
Here are some of the benefits.
1)Piano lessons will help to develop a child finer motor skill.
2)Develop the concentration level in children.
3)Help them in problem solving activities.
4)Students who are involved in music lessons are said to be good in mathematics.

One easy method that can be used to teach piano lessons to young children is the use of stickers. Some children at a young age such as four and five year olds are not able understand some of the information associated with music so therefore the use of stickers can be very effective.
Below is a diagram showing the white keys labelled with stickers. Notice the colours that are associated with the low, middle and high keys. This is done to help children identify specific keys according to the range in pitch.
Notice that the lower notes G, A and B are in the colour red, the middle notes C, D, E, F, G, A and B are in blue and the higher notes such as C and D are in green.
Now here is a song that will work perfectly with the method above. The notes are coloured to fit the keys in the diagram above.
Here is another method that is similar to the previous one. However, numbers are used instead of letters. The numbers are also colour coded and are placed on the keyboard.
The corresponding melody also uses numbers instead of letters. Here is an example using the same song.
This method may have your eye brows up but it works for some music teachers who have a hard time getting kids to play songs or simple melodies.
Both methods demonstrated are not the formal way of teaching music; however they are child friendly and work well with kids. The main disadvantage of both methods is that students normally take a long time to know how to find the keys of the keyboard when the makers are removed.
It is therefore important that you introduce the formal way of teaching the piano notes to children in your piano lessons for kids program.



Piano Chords – Applying Chord Theory Concepts to Your Playing

On this page you are going to learn about various piano chords, how they are formed and played on the piano. But before we go in depth with this concept let us first explore the word “Chord”.

What is a chord as it relates to music?
A chord is a group of two or more notes that are played simultaneously to form one harmonic sound. Chords are used more often in popular music such as reggae, jazz, blues, gospel, R&B, hip hop and so on. The use of chords in music is not a new concept; they were used in musical compositions during the 17th and 18th century and became more popular during the 19th and 20th century. Even though a chord can be at least two notes playing at the same time, many theorists share the opinion that a chord should be theorized as three or more notes playing together creating harmony.
The most popular chord structure that is used is when three different but relative notes are played together. This description fits the meaning of the term “triad” (which means three notes playing together at the same time).
However, it is important to note that chords are not just limited to three notes or tones, but a chord can comprise of four or more related notes.
Take a look at the diagrams below for clearer understanding.

There are different types of chord that can be played on the piano. However, the most popular or common chords are major, minor, augmented and diminished.

As we explore the concept of piano chords, you will learn how to play each chord and also know how they sound. Among the group of chords that exist, major and minor chords are more popularly used.

Here is a concept that I have used over the years when introducing chords to my students.
A major scale is formed by playing eight notes. The 1st or root note and the 8th note have the same letter name however, they are different in pitch. This is one reason why many persons who study music say that a major scale is made up of seven notes.
But what is interesting is that a major scale can be used as a main frame in creating different variety of chords. However the easiest types of chord that can be constructed from a major scale are the major and minor chords. These are normally the first set of piano chords that are explored by all piano players.
Take a look at the illustration below for a clearer understanding of this concept.
The illustration above shows the different degree of the scale that are used to form major (Maj.) and minor (min.) chords. There are three major and three minor chords that can be constructed from a major scale.
When you are able to play both major and minor chords properly on your piano, then you will be ready to move on to chord progressions.


Exploring Piano Scales

The ability to play several piano scales fluently is one main objective that all pianists should accomplish.
But why should piano players place great emphasis on playing scales when it is easier to learn songs using short term methods?
Well, many musicians have bypassed learning scales at the beginning of their musical career. Some even think that it is a waste of time. A number of musicians especially piano players have made this mistake and then regret it later on in their career. As a pianist, learning to play scales is one of the most important parts of your musical career.
If you should ask a number of great pianists to rate the importance of playing scales during their development, I am sure that they will give it high points.

So why are scales so important?
During the process of learning to play scales, the letter names of the piano keys are been reinforced. Yes, if you should learn to play different scales in all twelve keys on the keyboard, you will automatically explore the piano keys using a different approach.
Scales have helped a number of individuals to learn the keys of the piano in a quick manner.
Another benefit that you will gain from playing scales on the piano is finger strength.
While manipulating the keys on the keyboard you are also building the muscles in your wrist and fingers thus preparing you for long performances in the future.
When learning piano scales, you will learn how to place and use your fingers correctly on the piano keyboard. This will enable you to play melodies fluently and even help with piano solos and variations during performances.
Understanding how scales work and how they are constructed will give the player a better understanding of how chords are used in music.

Click here to learn how intervals are used in the construction of scales.

This is one of my simplest definitions.
A scale is a group of notes that are played one after the other.
There are different types of scale in music such as major scales, minor scales, blues scales and pentatonic scales. The most popular type of scales that are used in music is the major scale. There are twelve major scales in music. It is very important for beginners to know how to play all twelve major scales.
Another popular scale to be learned by beginner piano players is the minor scale. Like the major scale there are twelve minor scales in music. However, minor scales are form or constructed from major scales. The chromatic scale is also an important scale to be practiced by beginners. Chromatic scales serve as good finger exercise for piano players.
Chromatic scales are probably the easiest scale to remember among the number of scales that exist.
While exploring piano scales, you will realize that all scales have specific purpose in music and you will understand how to use them properly.
One scale that I personally enjoy playing is the blues scale, because it is perfect for short solos and variations. It would be good if you take time to research as much scales as possible and practice them.
I am sure if you send quality time practicing a variety of scales, you will see great improvement in your piano playing. 

Slash Chords

Playing Slash Chords
on the Piano

Hi! Welcome! On this page you will learn about slash chords or compound chords.
By now you should know how to construct and play basic chords such as major and minor triads. It is very important that you know as much as possible about basic triads before you attempt to use other chords, especially the ones that are more advanced.

If you are not confident that you are ready to move on to other chords that are more advanced than basic triads, then click the topic which suites you best below. If you are in the process of starting your first lesson on piano chords, then click here.

Other lessons on piano chords

What is a Slash or Compound Chords?
A slash chord is formed when you play a common chord such as a major or minor triad with an additional bass note that is different from the root.
For example – C is the root of the C major chord and is normally played in the left hand to accompany the C chord (CEG) in the right hand. However, if you should play the C major chord along with E in the bass (left hand), then a slash chord is formed.
Slash or compound chords are used mostly in popular music such as jazz, blues, gospel, souls and so on. These chords however, have a unique sound and are used to complement certain chord movements within the music. These types of chord also create a sound like that of a 1st inversion of a major triad.
Slash or compound chords in its written form looks like this C/E (same as I/III or 1/3). This can be interpreted as C major chord over an E bass note. The letter that comes first represents the chord you will play with your right hand and the letter that comes after the slash represents the note that you will play in your left hand.

Three Compound Chords Beginners Should Know.
There are three slash piano chords that are used by most musicians especially in popular music. However, before you attempt to play these chords, it is very important that you know how they are constructed and how to apply them to each major scale.
These three slash piano chords are as follows;
Root Chord/ 3 Bass - (‘3’ means the third note in the scale.)
Major 4 Chord/ 6 Bass – (‘6’ means the sixth note in the scale.)
Major 5 Chord/ 7 Bass – (‘7’ means the seventh note in the scale.)

So if we should apply these three slash chords in the key of C major on the piano, then the results would be as follows;
Here is a chart illustrating the twelve major slash piano chords that can be played on the piano.
As you learn to play basic chords on your piano, you will find out that there are other chords that you must learn in order to become a good piano player.
Remember, practice makes you perfect!


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What is the Piano Keyboard?

What is the piano keyboard?
This question may not be as popular as other music content questions that are been asked by a number of individuals. However, in an effort to answer this question a vast amount of information will be revealed.
When the phrase “piano keyboard” is used, it is basically referring to the keyboard area that is been played by our fingers.
The phrase is popularly used because individuals are looking for specific results pertaining to music rather than other subject areas.
In other words the piano and organ has a keyboard but there are equipment such as type writers and computers that have a keyboard. In this case reference is been made to the keyboard that is used in music.
The keyboard can be described as a set of adjacent keys on a musical instrument such as the piano, organ and synthesizer.
The keyboard is made up of black and white keys. The black keys are grouped in sets of two and three, while the white keys appear beside each other.
The white keys on the keyboard are called natural keys and the black keys are called sharp or flat keys. 

Piano Keyboard Symbols

In music the terms sharp, flat and natural are represented by musical symbols. Below is a diagram showing what each symbol looks like.

It is very important that you know these signs for future lessons.
The keyboard on a piano is made up of 88 keys. However, other musical instruments such as the organ and synthesizer use shorter keyboards. Below is a diagram showing what the keyboard looks like.

Each black and white key on the keyboard has a letter name. The letter name of each key is taken from the musical alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F and G).
ACTIVITY – Play the black keys on your keyboard according to the group they are assigned. For example touch all the black keys that are grouped in sets of two and then the others that are grouped in sets of three.

Piano Exercises for Beginners | Develop Your Piano Playing Skills
Take advantage of some basic piano exercises that will develop your piano playing skills. Become a better piano player by developing your speed and finger strength.